What does an Ombudsperson do?
- The Ombudsperson is a neutral and independent member of the University Community who responds to concerns and complaints from faculty, staff and students.
- The Ombudsperson maintains the privacy and identity of visitors and the content of the conversations. The only exception to this privilege of privacy is where there appears to be imminent risk of serious harm, and where there is no reasonable option other than disclosure.
- The Ombudsperson listens to concerns and complaints and shares information concerning University policies.
- The Ombudsperson helps generate solutions to resolve problems. An Ombudsperson promotes fair processes and does not take sides or act as an advocate.
- Refer you to resources outside the Ombuds office when appropriate.
What doesn’t the Ombudsperson do?
- The Ombudsperson does not share information concerning any case unless permission is given by the person who brings the concern or complaint.
- The Ombudsperson has no power to change the Universities policy or rules, but can recommend changes.
- The Ombudsperson does not take part in any administrative or formal complaint processes.