Immediately after an assault
Make sure you get to a safe place, away from further harm. Call someone you trust, such as a friend, your RA, or the Campus Police.
Seek Medical Care
After a sexual assault often times you will be numbed by the emotional stress of the event. You may feel fine physically; however it’s important to seek medical care as soon as you are able. The need for treatment should be considered an emergency even though you may have no visible signs of physical injury. If you choose to have evidence collected, it is important that this be done right away, the more reliable and potentially useful it will be. Having a Physical Evidence Recovery Kit (P.E.R.K.) exam completed does not mean you have to make the decision to file a criminal report or complaint with UMW. You can do a blind P.E.R.K. exam too. The Commonwealth of Virginia will pay for the costs of the exam.
- Do not bathe, wash or douche. Try not to urinate if possible.
- If oral contact took place, do not smoke, eat, or brush your teeth.
- Go to the Mary Washington Hospital emergency room. Medical attention is important, you may possibly have injuries of which you are unaware. The hospital can also test you for sexually transmitted diseases, and provide emergency contraception if desired.
- If you’ve already changed clothes, place them in a paper bag not plastic. If you haven’t changed, keep the original clothes on, and bring an extra set to wear home from the hospital. The clothes you are wearing could be used as evidence.
It is important to receive medical care in order to:
- be examined and treated for any injuries;
- be tested and treated for possible exposure to sexually transmitted diseases;
- discuss ways to reduce the risk of pregnancy (if applicable);
- Collect medical evidence if you decide to report the assault to the police for possible use as evidence.
- It’s important that you receive treatment at a facility where the staff is trained to provide care for sexual assault survivors and know the correct methods for evidence collection.
Where do you get help?
You may select to go to the closest care facility with trained staff that can provide care and treatment to assault survivors. Locally the Mary Washington Hospital can provide treatment and assist with collection of evidence. You can also go to the University Health Center. Your visit to the Health Center is confidential and will not be reported to the police nor the Title IX Coordinator without your consent.
Is there transportation?
If you do not have transportation, the University Campus Police will provide transportation to and from the hospital. You will need to contact them by calling 540-654 1025 or 654-4444 (emergency).
Taking Care of Yourself
You may feel very alone at this time, please remember that you are NOT alone. Please take the time to seek help from a trusted friend, family member, relative, RA, or trained counselor who can validate your feelings and help you to begin to find the support you need. See resources on campus and off campus to receive support in reporting, housing accommodations, academic accommodations, information on the campus disciplinary process, medical assistance, NO Contact Orders (within the University), Order of Protection (through law enforcement) and any other assistance you may need.