Reporting Options

If you are a survivor of Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and Other Forms of Interpersonal Violence, the University of Mary Washington encourages you to make a report to the University and to local law enforcement. If you need help in understanding your options, that help is available too.

At UMW, there are many resources and ways to find help after gender-based violence.  Your decision to report or seek support is personal; there is no “right” way to proceed.

University’s Online Form

Reporting to Police

UMW Police Department (UMW PD) and local Police will assist you in obtaining medical treatment, counseling, support, and police services. UMW PD will report any incidents to the Director of Compliance to ensure you have the support and resources you need from the University. They can assist with No Contact Orders (within the university) and/or Order of Protection (through law enforcement). Police will work with the survivor to determine if a criminal investigation will occur and if the case will be referred for prosecution.

  • UMW Police Reporting: Stop by Brent house or call 540.654.1025/540.654.4444 (emergency) to request an officer.
  • Local Police Reporting: Stop by a local station or call 911. (Depending on the location of the incident/station, the Title IX Coordinator may not be notified. Please contact the Title IX Coordinator for accommodations, resources, support and reporting on campus.)

Reporting to the University

The Director of Compliance and Title IX/ADA Coordinator and/or designee* can provide support in reporting, housing accommodations, academic accommodations, information on the campus disciplinary process, medical assistance, No Contact Orders and any other assistance you may need.

  • Director of Compliance and Title IX/ADA Coordinator: Report in person to Ruth Davison at Lee Hall, 401. Also, by calling 540.654.5656 or emailing to set up an appointment.
  • Title IX Deputy for Employees*: Report in person to Terri Arthur at Fairfax House. Also, by calling 540.654.2051 or emailing to set up an appointment.
  • Title IX Deputy for Students*: Report in person to Brandy Ellard at Hamlet House. Also, by calling 540-654-2108 or emailing to set up an appointment.
  • Director, Center for Prevention and Education (CPE): Speak in person to Marissa Miller at Fairfax House. Also, by calling 540-654-1193 or emailing to set up an appointment.
  • Dean of Students: Speak in person to Melissa Jones at University Center, 325. Also, by calling 540.654.1200 or emailing to set up an appointment.
  • Professional On Call (POC): Call UMW Police at 540.654.1025 and ask to speak with the POC. The POC is a professional staff member from Residence Life. A member of their team is always on call to support students.
  • Residence Life Reporting: Professional staff members in Residence Life can be reached at 540.654.1058 during business hours. Resident Assistant (RA) take turns with an on-call duty rotation, each day from 7pm-8am. RAs carry the phone during the daytime on the weekends. The RA is aware of resources and has access to the Professional On Call. Your RA’s duty cell phone number can be found on your RA’s door or the bulletin boards in the residence halls.

Additional Information

If you share information with a faculty, staff, coach, Resident Assistant, or a member of the Orientation staff about an incident related to prohibited conduct, it will be shared with the Director of Compliance and Title IX/ADA Coordinator. These individuals will keep your information private by only notifying their supervisor and/or Director of Compliance and Title IX/ADA Coordinator.