Sexual assault and other interpersonal issues affect people from all walks of life, regardless of race, gender, age, sexual orientation, economic status and more; therefore, UMW is committed to ensuring our community has important information and resources for help. The “Not Anymore” course covers aspects of healthy and unhealthy relationships, consent, bystander intervention, UMW policies, Title IX, resources and other important information. This class is a requirement under a federal mandate, the Campus SaVE Act (2013), which requires all postsecondary institutions that receive federal funding, like UMW, to implement prevention and awareness programming on sexual misconduct and other related issues.
All incoming and transfer students enrolled after fall 2015 are required to complete the “Not Anymore” online course with no exceptions. “Not Anymore” must be completed online, in one setting, and takes approximately 2 hours to complete.
To complete the “Not Anymore course,” visit, using your UMW email address to signup/login. For questions or concerns please contact Title IX staff at
We recognize that this material can be uncomfortable for many and can be triggering for those with past experiences of sexual assault and/or interpersonal violence. This course does include trigger warnings. In the event you experience emotional discomfort while taking this class, please stop taking the course and contact Ms. Marissa Miller in the Center for Prevention and Education at 540.654.1193 or for an available alternative option.